Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Perfect Getaway Cheat - Coin and EXP cheats

Always dreamed of becoming a captain of a Cruise Ship? Now you can with Perfect Getaway. Be the captain of your own ship, bring bikini babes and muscular hunks abroad your vessel. Sail into the unknown.

  1. [Click to play Perfect Getaway]
  2. Open Charles Proxy.
  3. Set sail for 5 mins. (wait until you arrive)
  4. Back in Charles, Expand
  5. Look for the folder 'GameServer'
  6. Look for 'CompleteTask' (if you dont see it, close everything and start again from step 1. Look at my screenshot, you should definitely see it)
  7. Right click 'CompleteTask' Select Repeat Advance.
  8. Put 10000 for iterations and 30 for concurrency.
  9. Once all 10000 runs completed, just refresh the game. You should see all the coins, and the level up will keep popping out.
  10. Have

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