Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My City Life // Cash Expansion Cheat

Tested and working as at 9th March

Credits: Akapong@fREE2SW4U

Tools (download all tools in the Tools section):

  • Cheat Engine
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox
  1. Go into My City Life [click to play]
    Works for these games too:
  2. Open Cheat Engine and select browser in the process list
  3. Tick HEX, Double, Also scan read only mem.
  4. Scan your current 'C' coins.
  5. Spend some coins, Next scan new coins value until only 1 address left.
  6. Double click the address so it appears at the bottom table with [Frozen], [Description], [Address], etc
  7. Double click the address again and add '+a8' at the end (example: 1F94DA08+a8)
  8. The value will be your current 'K' cash. (example: 5)
  9. Important step: Check the 'K' cash price of the Expansion you want to purchase. If it cost 54 'K' cash, you will need to change the value to 59. So when 59-54=5, your original 'K' cash value remains.
  10. An error will pop up. But you will also get the 100% loading screen. Just refresh the game after 100% and your land has expanded.
    Note: If you did not get the 100%, you did step 9 wrongly. Always remember: Current 'K' + 'K' price of the item you want to buy = 'K' value that you want.

    Video Tutorial at the end of the post if you are unclear.

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