Monday, June 27, 2011

Hide Your IP

Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | extabit ] // choose your preferred download link

  1. Just download the above files.
  2. Extract them to your desktop using Winrar or Winzip
  3. Install the Setup.exe first. Note your installation destination.
  4. Close the AutoHideIP application first.
  5. Copy the AutoHideIP.exe in the cracked folder and paste it into the installation destination 
  6. Overwrite > Yes.
  7. Now open AutoHideIP and it is now a fully registered version.
Good for games which gives free tokens when you complete a survey. Such as the Ninja Saga Token Cheats.
This cracked version is for those who has already used up the 14 day trial.

Auto Hide IP - Hide Your IP Address, Surf Anonymously, Protect Your Identity, Guard Against Hackers
Be careful! Have you ever been aware of your IP adress? Your IP exactly points to your location, with very high precision, right to the door of your apartment. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is completely exposed.

Auto Hide IP will help you conceal your real IP and protect your identity online. You need not worry about your privacy and security any more. Browse anonymously with one click  from now on.

Auto Hide IP - Screenshots

Auto Hide IP :: Open Auto Hide IP

1. Open Auto Hide IP

Auto Hide IP  :: Hide IP Address

2. Hide IP Address

Auto Hide IP  :: Choose IP Country

3. Choose IP Country

Auto Hide IP  :: Advanced Settings - General

4. Advanced Settings - General

Auto Hide IP  :: Advanced Settings - Browser

5. Advanced Settings - Browser

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