Monday, June 27, 2011

Magic Mall Cheats

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]: 

  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter Magic Mall [ play now ]
  3. Go to Charles first and find the line ""
  4. Expand it and you will see 'amfphp/'
  5. Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService...).net
  6. Right click any of the gateway.php and select "Breakpoints"
  7. Now, refresh the game. .net
  8. A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
  9. Click Execute ONCE. 
  10. Click on EDIT REQUEST > AMF
  11. Change the coins, points and cash 1000000 (dont make it too high or you may get an error)
  12. Click on the RED Hexagon shape button at the top to "disable breakpoint"
  13. Click Execute 
  14. Refresh the game, you should see your new coins. Have fun shopping. SPEND THEM ALL as they will disappear when you refresh the game. So spend buy upgrade as the items will be saved. 
  15. Watch video if unclear.

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