Monday, June 27, 2011

Jersey Shore Cheats

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine
For those of you MTV fans, this popular TV show is into its mid-season. There is an average of 3.6 million viewers per episode so quite a lot of fans are playing the Facebook version of the game - Jersey Shore

Basically, you choose your favorite character from the show, and FIGHT it out with people from around the world. Now, I am providing a 100% win cheat so that you can level up faster and earn more coins to purchase more awesome weapons.
  1. Open Cheat Engine.
  2. Enter Jersey Shore [play now]
  3. Select browser in process list (plugin-container.exe for Firefox users, 3rd Chrome.exe for Google Chrome users)
  4. Go fight with someone of a higher level so you gain more exp and coins.
  5. Scan current health
  6. Fight, lose some health and NEXT scan new health
  7. Only 1 or 2 address remain. Freeze both values and watch as nothing happens when you get hit. You will definitely win the fight now.
  8. Watch video below if you are new to cheat engine. 
Note: Set speedhack to fight faste. You can also search for your opponent health and change it to 0


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