Monday, June 27, 2011

iPhone 4.3.2 jailbreak

Dev Team developer iH8Snow has released Snowbreeze 2.6, now anyone with an iDevice with iOS 4.3.2 installed can jailbreak untethered. Why Snowbreeze is better, well because of its baseband preservation capability; with this you can also enable Multitouch gestures on your device.

How To guide lines:

Part 1: Download all the necessary files and tools to your Windows PC:
  1. Download and install iTunes 10.2.2 for Windows.
  2. Download Sn0wbreeze 2.6 for Windows.
  3. Download iOS 4.3.2 for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Part 2: Create the custom IPSW file from the original iOS 4.3.2 firmware with Snowbreeze 2.6
  1. Run Snowbreeze 2.6 and click Next
  2. Browse for the iOS 4.3.2 firmware according to your device
  3. Wait for a few moments for Snowbreeze to identify the IPSW file
  5. Wait for instructions to enter in DFU mode and proceed to the third part
Part 3: Restoring the custom 4.3.2 IPSW in iTunes
  1. In iTunes just select your device
  2. Now press and hold Left “Shift” button on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” (Not “Update” or “Check for Update”) button in iTunes and then release this button.
  3. Finish

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