Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monopoly Millionaires - Possible to cheat ?

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Playfish's latest offering that was only launched 3 days ago - Monopoly Millionaires! Everyone's all time favorite board-game is now on Facebook.

The game play will feel weird at first as your dice rolls can only be used on your friends' board. Your own board will only be used to purchase houses and upgrade them. Landing on houses in your friend's board does not require any rental fees. Instead, you get a chance to obtain cards that can be used to upgrade the respective houses of that color. Therefore, in order to upgrade your houses, you will need to keep rolling those dices and pray that you choose the correct card with the correct street/avenue!

As usual, there will be quests for you to complete which are pretty simple such as purchasing a brown house, a dog trap etc..

As it is a Playfish game, they have probably learnt from their past lessons and ensured that most cheats are blocked. I had only have time to check it on fiddler and seems like their database is not encrypted. You can easily grab Items.xml , change the Rules.xml and also the CardRules.xml  To save you guys some time, simple stuff like changing the prices of the houses/items will NOT work. I tried playing around with the collection time but there isn't much effect.

Also, don't waste my time telling me that Cheat Engine to edit the dice rolls will work, cause it usually doesn't work. Yes the value will change but when you reached 0 on the server side while it is showing 100 on your side, you will definitely get a game error immediately on the next roll.

Will spend some time if possible to see what cheats I can possibly dig out. Feel free to comment if you found any.

Monopoly Millionaires Get Rich Buy those Houses, Upgrade those Houses. Earn all those money that you can!

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