Monday, June 27, 2011

Millionaire City Cheats - Reward Mission Cheat

 // Millionaire City Cheat @
This cheat is good for LOW level and slightly good for HIGH level players. In the video, I'm only level 2 but filthy rich now :)
  1. Download above xml file. (You will need winRAR to extract the xml out of the .rar)
  2. Go to Fiddler > Auto responder and ensure both options are ticked.
  3. Drag the downloaded file into the auto responder and you shd see a new rule.
  4. Important: Clear browser cache and reload Millionaire City.
  5. Now go claim your rewards..
  6. Certain rewards will result in OUT OF SYNC. Do not worry, just click on OTHER rewards on the game refresh.
  7. Watch video if still unclear. Most rewards will work and not result in out of sync. Just keep trying.

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