Thursday, June 30, 2011

Petville // 2000 coin cheats

 Tools required -
  • flash 10
  • ce 5.5
  • ff/ie

Follow the following steps!

  1. Start your Petville. 
  2. Open your CE and attached it to your browser.
  3. Go to Bubblepop in the games section of Petville.  
  4. Pop some bubbles and scan the number of bubbles poped with 4 byte in the CE.
  5. Pop a couple more bubbles and click next scan til you see an address.
  6. Change the value to 30 and freeze it.
  7. Change Speedhack to 15 to clear all levels to level 100 to get 2k worth of coins per run.

It works!! Start your Petville christmas shopping now!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Petville // Bubble Game AutoBot

This tool works really great and you can let it run for hours (or at least till your pet has no more energy :p)

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • SCAR (downloadClean
    Filename: SCAR322setup.exe
    Scan finished. 0 out of 21 scanners reported malware.
    Scan taken on:  Thu 12 Nov 2009 02:44:10 (CET) Permalink

  • firefox 

  1. Download SCAR and extract the entire folder to your desktop.
  2. Install SCAR322setup.exe
  3. Launch the application SCAR and click File > Open
  4. Select "Bubble Game(Color).scar which is located in the folder that you have extracted
  5. Go into Petville (click to play)
  6. Go to World > BubblePop Games
  7. In SCAR, you will see this 'target' icon.
    Drag this icon to your Petville screen. The entire Petville game should have a red border to show that it is selected.
  8. Click Play or Ctrl+Alt+R
  9. To stop the script, hold Ctrl+Alt+S  <- Important to remember or don't blame me if you cant stop your script
  10. Just run the script and it will keep playing the game until you have no more energy. Easy coins!

Petville // Coins cheat (working as at 11jan)

ools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • charles3.4.1
  • firefox
  1. Start Charles Web Debugging Proxy
  2. Go into Petville (click to play)
  3. Go into Bubble Pop Game and complete round 1.
    Note: You must pop all 30 bubbles!
  4. You will see the following summary of round 1 game statistics

  5. In Charles (structure tab), look for the following line "" or ""
  6. Expand the line > expand "current/" > Expand "flashservices/" and you will see a few "gateway.php"
  7. Click on the "gateway.php", click on the "Request" tab on the top right window and search for the line "MinigameService.updateRound" (check from the last gateway.php upwards)
  8. After you have found the gateway.php with the functionName "MiniGameService.updateRound", right click it and select 'Edit'

  9. Click "AMF"

  10. You will see a 'sequence' and a 'params' Expand the 'params'

  11. Change the value of [2] in the params to the NEXT running digit. (example: 2 change to 3)
  12. Change the value of the sequence to the NEXT running digit (example: 11 change to 12)
    Note: just +1 for whatever digit you have
  13. Click Execute when you are done.
  14. Now click back on the gateway.php with a pencil logo

  15. Repeat steps 11-13 to continue getting coins. Remember to always +1 the current value!
  16. Repeat till you are satisfied or probably when there is a error sync message. Just refresh and you will see your new coins.

Pet Society - London Bus

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun shopping for the London Bus

Pet Society // Spawn ScoutFishes Cheat

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. 
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the new Scout Fishes. Have fun :)
Dont be greedy. Spawning items are dangerous so dont spawn too many. 

Pet Society Cheats - Easy Mode

Updated 26th June 2011 This will last at least 1 week from today. So don't complain that it doesnt work, coz it definitely will work. Double check your own files and replacement if it is not working correctly.   

EzDig includes dig fast, fish fast. fast cleaning, all dirty pets, one click autoharvesting, nojunk/nothrowbacks fast fishing, use neighbor's dye tables,

EzLevel for fast leveling. (You get more paw points cleaning your neighbor's pets)

Zoey has forced the auto save  to start when the pet reaches FULL cleanliness. So you need to make sure the cleaning of ALL the flies to enable the auto save.

If they stop early before all the flies are gone, then there can be save fails (the server is very fussy about cleaning money).

Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out. This helps to reduce the rate of 24hour suspension. (Failed digs = Click any where without a treasure) 


Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.

To reduce the 24 hours suspension, just follow my instructions and dont be too greedy. If you are afraid, do more stuff in between digs to be much much safer. If you don't want to follow or too lazy to read what I wrote, then just enjoy the24 hours suspension.
  1. Download the files above.
  2. Open Fiddler.
  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets21xx.x-ezdig.swf'     / ezlevel.swf
  8. Click SAVE.
  9. Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
  10. Now just enter digging land and have fun...

Pet Society - Garden Pals Collection

  • Download ALL 3 New Fishes BAITS only [download]
  • Download Bee Fishes [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.  
  • Download Snail Fishes [download]
  • Download Ladybug Fishes [download]
  • Fiddler
  • [download][How to use Fiddler]
  • Firefox/Chrome

Update: Some people claim the actions.dat are not working for them, so you can try the Shop Method of purchasing the baits to manually fish.

  1. Download 3 different database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat, action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now click on the CHEST/INVENTORY and you should see the fishes being spawned. You will also get a pop-up telling you you've unlocked a rare limited item. 

Pet Society MEGA Coins Cheat

  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.  
  • Fiddler
  • [download][How to use Fiddler]
  • Firefox/Chrome

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat, action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now click on YOUR PET and it will JUMP, you will now see the COOKIES spawning. Click on the COOKIES and you get your easy coins

Pet Society Cheats - Rainbow Fishes

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the rare FISHES spawning. Have fun :)   
Dont be greedy. Spawning items are dangerous so dont spawn too many

Pet Society // Mega Actions

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. 
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the different gold trophies spawning. Have fun :) 
Dont be greedy. Spawning items are dangerous so dont spawn too many. 

All kinds of funny, weird stuff are spawned. Have fun!

Pet Society // Cash Wig Dyes


  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat, shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun shopping

Pet Society - Stained Glass Wings

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun shopping

Pet Society - Evolving Flowers Bouquet Cheat

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace ShopMarket.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Market and have fun shopping!

Pet Society - Multi Cheats

Combined cheats: Gem Coins cheat, Cash Wig Dyes cheat, Collaborative planting cheat

How the cheat works: Buy lots of Garden Plots (lemon) then place the Vegetable seeds into it. then place the apples you purchased onto the garden plots and change room. Watch the video for a clearer explanation.

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat, shopmystery.dat, actions.dat and collaborative.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. [Gem Coin Cheat] Go to your chest and watch the gems spawn. Click on them for coins.
  5. [Cash Dyes] Go to the MysteryShop and dye your wig.
  6. [Collaborative Planting Cheat] Now just visit the Collaborative Section and purchase the 3 items as shown in the video!

Pet Society Cheats // Fast Cash Fishing

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • Download ACTIONS.DAT from the link above. 
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/Firefox

Warning: Do NOT be greedy and abuse the cheat. You may lose your account.

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the FISHES spawning.  
  5. Have fun!
Tagged: Pet Society Cheats, Cash Fishing, Cash Baits,

Pet Society - Golden Fishes Teddy Bear Cheat

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. 
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the Golden Fishes spawning. Next, you will receive a pop-up saying you have earned the Teddy Bear. Have fun :)   
Dont be greedy. Spawning items are dangerous so dont spawn too many.

Pet Society // Coins Cheat

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • fiddler
  • required files above

How the cheat works: Buy lots of Garden Plots (lemon) then place the Vegetable seeds into it. then place the apples you purchased onto the garden plots and change room. Watch the video for a clearer explanation.

  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and collaborative.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Collaborative Section and purchase the 3 items as shown in the video! 

Pet Society - Multi Poo Cheat

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the POO spawning.   

Pet Society - Be a Monster


  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun shopping

Pet Society Coin Cheats

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • fiddler2
  • firefox/chrome
  • download required files above

  1. Download files from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
  2. Open fiddler and replace actions.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  4. Now just click on the inventory/chest and the item will spawn.
  5. Note: Spawn and sell in batches of 10 or you may get a game error due to over spawning. Remember, if you want to sell the items, DISABLE the cheat first (close fiddler and restart PS) or it will just keep spawning items whenever you click on the
Note: Due to the limit of amount of coins we can earn each day, seems like the error will appear after selling around 10 batches. 

Pet Society // Garden Trick

  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
  • Fiddler[download][How to use Fiddler]
  • Firefox/Chrome
  1. Download GardenTrick database
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat with the downloaded database.dat file. The rule editor are as required

  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat line will be highlighted.
  4. Go to your garden and you can now use any wallpaper and floor. Saves too. 
  5. You will have the Default Garden Wallpaper and Default Garden Floor in your inventory if you ever want to change it back =D 
  6. Note: If you are still unsure of how to replace, read the Fiddler Tutorial first! It will help you out.
  7. For those who wants to do it themselves for future version of databases, just change all the baseType="FloorBase" to baseType="GardenFloorBase" and
    baseType="WallpaperBase" to baseType="GardenWallpaperBase" in database.dat

Pet Society - Free House Exterior Item

Hi there Pet Society fans!
To celebrate the launch of The Enchanted Pond, we’re giving away a FREE house exterior item everyday from April 11 – 15th GMT!
All you have to do is play Pet Society and you’ll find your free gift waiting for you. Collect them throughout the week to complete the set!
See you Monday… and Tuesday, and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday. Phew!
The Mayor x
[Click to play Pet Society]

Perfect Getaway Cheat - Coin and EXP cheats

Always dreamed of becoming a captain of a Cruise Ship? Now you can with Perfect Getaway. Be the captain of your own ship, bring bikini babes and muscular hunks abroad your vessel. Sail into the unknown.

  1. [Click to play Perfect Getaway]
  2. Open Charles Proxy.
  3. Set sail for 5 mins. (wait until you arrive)
  4. Back in Charles, Expand
  5. Look for the folder 'GameServer'
  6. Look for 'CompleteTask' (if you dont see it, close everything and start again from step 1. Look at my screenshot, you should definitely see it)
  7. Right click 'CompleteTask' Select Repeat Advance.
  8. Put 10000 for iterations and 30 for concurrency.
  9. Once all 10000 runs completed, just refresh the game. You should see all the coins, and the level up will keep popping out.
  10. Have

Party Resort Cheats // EXP cheat

Click to play Party Resort [PLAY NOW ]

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • cheat engine
  • firefox (select plugin-container.exe in CE's process list)
  • OR google chrome (select the 3rd or last chrome you see in the CE's process list)

This is a Party Resort Cheat. Coins will not be saved but if you only want to overtake your friend in the ranking list, this cheat is for you as your level cheated will be saved. I love being top of the ranking in all the games :p 

  1. Go to Party Resort [PLAY]
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Select the browser you are using in the process list.
  4. Setting Scan Type '4 bytes'
  5. Scan your current amount of coins
  6. Earn some coins or spend some, then 'Next Scan' the new value of coins.
  7. Repeat step 6 till you get only 1 address.
  8. Double click the address and change the value to '999999999' then select "Frozen"
  9. Now buy any items. I recommend buying the 99,999 item as shown in the video for fastest leveling.
  10. Reload the game and enjoy your new level.
NOTE: THE COINS WILL NOT BE SAVED, ONLY THE Level. Thank you for viewing this Party Resort Cheat.

Paradise Life - Farm for Coins in your own paradise

Click to play Paradise Life [play now]

Being in the top 5 for the top gainers applications chart of Facebook, I decided to review this game and check out why it is so hugely popular. 

The game mechanics definitely reminds me of FrontierVille but in a more cartoon-ish and fairytale way.
You fish and harvest fruits to gain coins. As usual, you will encounter wild animals which you have to chase away before you can continue your tasks. Clear the trees to gain more land for your decorations and buildings. 

The focus of the game is farming which requires energy for harvesting and planting. You gain money and experience points as you perform these actions. Similar to FrontierVille, you can collect "collection" items which gives you a bonus when you complete the set. As actions require energy, you can regain these energy by consuming fruits.    

It is rapidly gaining followers in this standard farming genre which makes me wonder. Isn't there enough of such farming games? What makes such games so attractive and alluring? Personally, only if I can cheat in these games, only will I play it :p

Ninja Saga - Awesome Shop

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • above required files
  • fiddler2
  • chrome/firefox

Note: You may get BANNED. So use at your own risk.

  1. Download required file above
  2. Open Fiddler
  3. Drag the file into Fiddler
  4. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
  5. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  6. Go to the shop now and purchase the level you want. Note: It works like an autobot so if you are level 45 and you purchased "Level 50", it will keep flashing "Nick is Level 45".. wait a while, then you will see "Nick is Level 46"... wait awhile more and slowly you will see your level increase to Level 50. 
  7. Obviously, you will NOT gain any levels if you are level 20 and level 40 unless you complete the exams.  
Pretty impressive piece of coding. Thumbs up to the coders.

Ninja Saga // Boss 1 hit KO

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • above required files
  • fiddler2
  • chrome/firefox

Certain bosses will give you an ERROR if you do not have the required level to fight with them yet.

Replacing all the database will allow you to 1 hit KO all hunting house bosses.
To everyone, do NOT publish when you win the boss or someone may report you for killing all the bosses within such a short period of time. When you cheat, please cheat SMART.

  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the eneXXX.swf files and the hunting_house swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.

  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it.

Ninja Saga Hanami Festive Cheats

Credits: MissDex GodKnows

Tested and Working. Do Not abuse the cheats or you may get banned. This cheat is ONLY for the HANAMI event. The rest of the stuff no longer saves.

Credits: MissDex GodKnows

Tested and Working. Do Not abuse the cheats or you may get banned. This cheat is ONLY for the HANAMI event. The rest of the stuff no longer saves.

  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the .swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both
    (it should look something like the screenshot. Make sure you drag ALL the files into fiddler)

  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  7. Just follow my screenshot image above and enjoy the cheat. You will get Instant Hanami Fight and Instant Hanami Missions
  8. Have fun!

Ninja Saga Cheats // All in One

Tested and Working. Do Not abuse the cheats or you may get banned.
Cheat Includes:
  • Instant all Mission
  • 1 Hit Kill Bosses
  • Instant Chunin/Jounin Exam
  • Instant Tp Mission (once per Day)
  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler.
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the .swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
    (it should look something like the screenshot. Make sure you drag ALL the files into fiddler)

  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it. (clear browser cache will definitely help if you have trouble)
  8. Also, all missions are now instant finished.
  9. Cheat with some common sense. Only do those exams when you are lvl 20 or lvl 40.
  10. Have fun! 

Ninja Saga Cheats // Infinite HP and CP

Tested and Working as at 8th March 2011.

1. Go Ninja Saga -Only works in Firefox ( DO NOT SELECT YOUR CHARACTER FIRST)

2. Go to Cheat Engine 6.0 and select process Plugin Container.exe

3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX.

4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".

5. Double-click the address.

6. Change the value to "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".

7. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it.

8. Now new scan again and scan "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".

9. Change the value to "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".

10. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it. (You should have two address by now and both frozen)

11. Now select your character and press play.

12. Go to Missions , World Boss and enjoy!

Ninja Saga Cheats // Valentines Day Event

  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
  • Fiddler
  • [download][How to use Fiddler]
  • Firefox/Chrome
Credits: martianx 
Cheat includes: 1 hit Vday boss and instant vday mission completion.
  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop using Winrar.
  3. Open Fiddler.
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (the ene_153.swf and mission_196 file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
  6. Clear browser cache.
  7. Enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  8. Click on the Heart (valentine day event) Fight boss or mission and you should complete it with 1 hit, else you did not replace the .swf file properly. Remember to clear browser cache!
  9. Watch video if you are

Ninja Saga Cheats // 3 in 1 Awesomeness version 1.3

Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  •  required files above
  • fiddler
Credits: DreadRoots

All the new bosses (even the gingerbrat) are level 1. So its basically a 1 hit KO.

Go to Shop > Items for:
  • Reset Points
  • 50M (Check your gear after using this option. Then sell those items for the coins)
  • 2 level 100 NPC to fight in your team (You can keep purchasing this)

  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the .swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
    (it should look something like the screenshot. Make sure you drag ALL the files into fiddler)

  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it. (clear browser cache will definitely help if you have trouble)
  8. Also, all missions are now instant finished.
  9. Cheat with some common sense. Do NOT abuse or you will get banned. 

Nnja Saga // Special Christmas's Mission

For those having problems completing their daily special mission puzzles, you can use these completed puzzles as a reference. Just download the file above to get the solution to the puzzles.

Ninja Saga // 1 HIT KO Gingerbread

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Fiddler
  • Download required files
  • Firefox/chrome

  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (the en_152.swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
  6. Clear browser cache.
  7. Enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  8. Go to the hunting house and fight the Gingerbread hero. 1 hit and he should be dead, else you did not replace the .swf file properly. Remember to clear browser cache!