Friday, July 1, 2011

Restaurant City Cheats // Multi-Pack Database

  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
  • Fiddler
  • [download][How to use Fiddler]
  • Firefox/Chrome

Well, the previous Valentines' Day DB only unlocks past Vday items. This db unlocks everything so for those of you who wants more choices, this DB is for you.
  1. Download required file from the links above and use Winrar (download) to extract the files out
  2. Open fiddler and go to the AutoResponder tab.
  3. Make sure both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough... are both ticked.
  4. Drag all the files that you have just downloaded into the AutoResponder tab. A total of 5 files. Recipe.bin is not included as it will remove your Candy Machines.
  5. Reload RC. If replaced correctly, all the lines will be highlighted.
  6. Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker for coins cheat. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly.
  7. You can also start shopping for ALL past items.
    - Avatar.bin unlocks all character items.
    - Front.bin unlocks all exterior items.
    - Levelup.bin gives you the max level if you have not reached it (temporary)
    - Quiz.bin gives you 100% success
    - Restaurant.bin unlocks all interior items.

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