Zynga has come out with a Lottery Site for all their games. You stand to win collectible items from all their popular game.
Register an account with Zynga's Lottery Site first [ Register Now ]
Obviously, if you are afraid that this is a scam site, (like I will ever scam you guys -.-) Just use some random password that is NOT related to your facebook or your email. This is NOT linked to your facebook account.
Alrite, so basically after registering, you will start of with ONE lottery ticket. Do NOT SCRATCH IT!!
As shown in my screenshot, notice the ZLotto logo at the top left of the image. Right click it and open it in new tab. You can open as many tabs as you want depending on your browser. (If you have a scroll mouse, by default clicking the scroller will open a page in a new tab)
If you are afraid of crashing your browser, probably just do around 30 tabs. Now from 1 ticket, you have "30" to open =D
Now, just slowly open the lottery ticket in each tab. There are 9 squares. You can open 3 squares max. If you get an item in any of the 3 tries, congratulations! You can decide which game item to take. You can choose from Farmville, Mafia Wars, Petville or Yoville. Start collecting them all today!
Warning: It's not easy to win the lottery but with patience, there are actually people who have completed some collections.
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