Friday, July 8, 2011

Zombie Party Coins Cheat - How to earn more money

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine
Note: A long method to get WORKING SAVABLE COINS because the easy method will not be saved. This method ensures you get the coins even after a refresh.

  1. Open Cheat Engine
  2. Enter Zombie Party [playnow]
  3. Select browser in process list (3rd chrome.exe or plugin-container.exe for firefox)
  4. Scan current EXP. 
  5. Kill some zombies. 
  6. NEXT scan new EXP (you gotta watch this as killing zombies is automatic so you may miss the exact value. To prevent this, I used (scan increased value as shown in video)
  7. Once done, you should have 2 addresses remaining.
  8. Change both value to something high.
  9. Enable speedhack
  10. And stop the speedhack when you reach lvl 30. That is the level you want.
  11. Now, you can purchase the 5600 item from the shop. 
  12. NEW scan 5600. 
  13. Bout 20+ addresses appear. Select all and press the red arrow.
  14. Change ALL the values to 1. 
  15. In the shopping menu, browse to another page and back and watch the 5600 becomes 1. 
  16. Now buy as many as you want. 
  17. Save the game by pressing the red disk at the right side
  18. Refresh. Level and Coins are NOT saved. But ITEMS is saved. 
  19. Now, to get a lot of coins, NEW scan 5600 again
  20. This time change value to 5600000 instead of changing it to 1 like you did in step 14. 
  21. Sell the item and watch your money grow. Save, refresh and coins remain :) 

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