Friday, July 1, 2011

Plants vs. Zombies on Facebook

Plants vs. Zombies on Facebook !

Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • Fiddler2
  • Download required files above
  • Firefox
  1. Download data.xml from the link above.
  2. Open Fiddler
  3. Go to the Autoresponder tab 
  4. Make sure both "Enable automatic...." and "Permit passthrough...." are both checked.
  5. Drag the data.xml into the autoresponder or you can manually add the rule editor:
  6. Set Fiddler: ForceOn in Firefox 
  7. Enter Plants vs. Zombies [ play now ]
  8. Press the following keys to activate the various cheat. There is no increment of sunray cheat.
    Cheat key keyCombo = "4" effect: refreshSeedsCheat 

    Cheat key keyCombo = "5" effect: spawnAwardCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "6" effect: freePlantingCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "," effect: previousLevelCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "." Effect: nextLevelCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "/" effect: spawnWaveCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "z" effect: spawnNormalZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "s" effect: spawnScreendoorZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "n" effect: spawnNewspaperZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "f" effect: spawnFootballZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "b" effect: spawnBucketZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "c" effect: spawnConeheadZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "p" effect: spawnPolevaultZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "g" effect: spawnGraveZombieCheat 
    Cheat key keyCombo = "u" effect: unlockAllModes
Credits: MC @ FB-Truco

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