Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Social Wars Cheats // Cash Resources Hack


  1. Clear cache (HOLD CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE)
  2. Open Fiddler2
  3. Go to Autoresponder > check 2 boxes : ‘Enable Automatic.. ‘ and ‘Permit pass..’
  4. Click the file that you’ve just downloaded from link above.
  5. Click to play Social Wars
  6. Open Cheat Engine
  7. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine
  8. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 3rd or 4th chrome.exe (google chrome
  9. Value Type: Double
  10. Scan ’28800‘ (8hrs = 28800)
  11. Select the addresses and Change the value to 1
  12. Start Collecting.
You can hack cash using the Cash Wonder building.
It pays every 24 hours which is 86400 seconds.
Scan 86400 and change it to 1 :))
You get 100 cash then it cost 25 to re activate then repeat.
Watch the video for a tutorial.

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