Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sims Social Cheats - Unlock Hidden Items

PS: The version of the game can be obtained by pressing F1 in the game. The version is now (Tested on 11/2/2012)

1. Clear your browser's cache before you run "Fiddler2". pwnthis
2. In "Fiddler2" switch to "AutoResponder" label on the right, and tick "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit passthrought for unmatched requests" pwnthis
3. Extract all the files you've just downloaded, and drag ALL of them to the right hand-side of "Fiddler2" (in the area of "AutoResponder")
4. Enter Sims Social [click to play Sims Social]
5. Just visit the shop to see the hidden items! Enjoy! Let's go shopping!

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