Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Auto Kill Boss 2012 | Ninja Saga

Untuk cara penggunaannya, silahkan lihat video diatas
Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  8. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

MapleStory Adventures Cheats

  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click >> Download << again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine
  • More cheating tools and how to use them: [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]
1. Open process in CE.
2. Click "Memory View" button (Under the address table)
3. Click Tools -> Auto Assemble
4. Paste the entire code from the file that you downloaded (link above).
5. Click Execute.

If you picked the right process it will automatically inject all of the AoBs.

  • Never Miss
  • Auto Pickup
  • Monster VAC (you must be in town)
  • Monster Never Walk
  • Fast Respawn Hack
  • Tamed Monster Hack (tamed mobs that you equip appear bigger)
  • Instant Harvest
  • God Mode (block every attack)
  • Energy Request
  • Max Damage (MAX DMG)
  • AoE Radius
  • Unlimited Range
  • Speed Hack (walk super fast)

Also, you need to make sure you don't move when you load the game. Have fun!

Social Wars Cheats // Cash Resources Hack


  1. Clear cache (HOLD CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE)
  2. Open Fiddler2
  3. Go to Autoresponder > check 2 boxes : ‘Enable Automatic.. ‘ and ‘Permit pass..’
  4. Click the file that you’ve just downloaded from link above.
  5. Click to play Social Wars
  6. Open Cheat Engine
  7. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine
  8. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 3rd or 4th chrome.exe (google chrome
  9. Value Type: Double
  10. Scan ’28800‘ (8hrs = 28800)
  11. Select the addresses and Change the value to 1
  12. Start Collecting.
You can hack cash using the Cash Wonder building.
It pays every 24 hours which is 86400 seconds.
Scan 86400 and change it to 1 :))
You get 100 cash then it cost 25 to re activate then repeat.
Watch the video for a tutorial.

Sims Social Cheats - Unlock Hidden Items

PS: The version of the game can be obtained by pressing F1 in the game. The version is now (Tested on 11/2/2012)

1. Clear your browser's cache before you run "Fiddler2". pwnthis
2. In "Fiddler2" switch to "AutoResponder" label on the right, and tick "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit passthrought for unmatched requests" pwnthis
3. Extract all the files you've just downloaded, and drag ALL of them to the right hand-side of "Fiddler2" (in the area of "AutoResponder")
4. Enter Sims Social [click to play Sims Social]
5. Just visit the shop to see the hidden items! Enjoy! Let's go shopping!

Pet Society - Free Pet Society Coins

FREE Pet Society Coins ---->

You will need to have given your email address to Pet Society to gain this 2k coins.

Roma Tegaskan Niat Permanenkan Fabio Borini

AS Roma siap mematenkan status striker belia Fabio Borini di Stadio Olimpico.

Fabio Borini - Roma (Getty Images)

Getty Images
AS Roma akhirnya mendengungkan niatan mereka mempermanenkan status striker yang mereka pinjam dari Parma, Fabio Borini.

Pemain internasional Italia U-21 ini bergabung dengan Giallorossi di deadline bursa transfer musim panas lalu di angka €1.25 juta dengan status pinjaman, dengan opsi membelinya di akhir musim senilai €7 juta.

Meski demikian, kubu Roma pada Januari lalu membeli setengah hak kepemilikan sang pemain dengan kesepakatan transfer €2,3 juta plus Stefano Okaka turut dikirim ke Tardini.

Kini klub asuhan Luis Enrique ini pun menegaskan kesiapan mereka untuk mematenkan status Borini di Stadio Olimpico.

"Kami akan berbicara dengan Parma pada Juni nanti terkait Borini," ujar direktur Claudio Fenucci kepada Sky Sport Italia.

"Kami akan berusaha mencarikan solusi terbaik bagi kami dan juga untuk mereka [pihak Parma]," tandas sang direktur.

Double Hack Visual Update

Fitur Fullhack :

-GM AKses,reload mjor(Super ALL pngkat Dewa) : F9 Tero /F10 CT
(kalau jadi Ct pakai CT akses,kalau tero pakai tero akses)
Binta 3,4,GM,Bintang 5,pngkat Bom dkk
-AMo : F11
-Anti PI : F12
-Hack Replace : Home ON
-Full Speed : Angka 1-6
-Brust : F3
-1Hit ALL WEAPOn : F3
-Hollow ALL WEAPOn auto ON
Fitur WH name :
Created KiraF4
-WH Auto ON
-Amo :F1
-pasbom :F2
-Anti PI DeleteOn kan semuanya di LOBBY , apabila mau off juga di lobby
happy cheating/no show off

Tested Windows XP ALL Fitur work
Tested WH name baru di windows xp
Tutorial :
[-]Inject Fullhack

New Simple Fullhack

[-]AUTO ON =
~ Anti Program Ilegal
~ Anti Vote Kick 85%
~ Anti Banded
~ ESP Name
[-]F11 ON & F12 OFF = Replace FullCash
[-]DELETE = Ammo Jutaan
[-]HOME = Akurasi 100%
[-]PAGE UP = Brust Smg & Asault
[-]PAGE DOWN = Piso Santet
[-]END = Devuse Pasang Bom 0 Detik
[-]F1 ON & F2 OFF = Aimbot Datar
[-]F3 ON & F4 OFF = No Recoil
[-]F5 ON & F6 OFF = SpeedHack
[-]F7 ON & F8 OFF = Enemy Kick
(Cheat ngeDC in.BUGTAPIN)
[-]F9 ON & F10 OFF = Gravity
[-]ALT + F4 = Keluar Cepat Dari Game
[-]PAUSE BREAK = Back To Normal
Tutorial :
- Buka Cheat
- Star PB Launcher
- Inject Cheat
- Resume

Apabila DC gunakan Wallhack/ESP Name Saja .

FIXED New Cheat SImple Mematikan Fullhack+WH name+Cheat Enemy kick(Cheat nge BUGTRAPIN,Cheat NGE DCin ORang) + BONUS DLL

Downloads Cheat :
Downloads Password :

Features PB :

[-]AUTO ON =
~ Anti Program Ilegal
~ Anti Vote Kick 85%
~ Anti Banded
~ ESP Name
[-]F11 ON & F12 OFF = Replace FullCash
[-]DELETE = Ammo Jutaan
[-]HOME = Akurasi 100%
[-]PAGE UP = Brust Smg & Asault
[-]PAGE DOWN = Piso Santet
[-]END = Devuse Pasang Bom 0 Detik
[-]F1 ON & F2 OFF = Aimbot Datar
[-]F3 ON & F4 OFF = No Recoil
[-]F5 ON & F6 OFF = SpeedHack
[-]F7 ON & F8 OFF = Enemy Kick
(Cheat ngeDC in.BUGTAPIN)
[-]F9 ON & F10 OFF = Gravity
[-]ALT + F4 = Keluar Cepat Dari Game
[-]PAUSE BREAK = Back To Normal
Tutorial :


[-]Inject ja
(apabila Bt di Komp anda gunakan WH/fullhacknya saja

SS agar pakai brust gak lag!!
 gunakan dengan bijak,,

Cheat Lost Saga LS 13 Februari 2012 Skill No Delay terbaru
Fitur :
[-] Skill No Delay
Untuk Windows 7---> Klik kanan >> pilih "Run As Administrator"
WORK all WINDOWS XP/Vista/Win 7 (32 bit/64bit)
Credits :
Special Thx to :
[-] N3

Cara pakai :
1. Buka LS
2. Buka Cheat
3. Login LS.
4. Saat Om Koboi ( GameGuard ) pilihlah cheat yg ingin anda pakai !
5. Jgn Lupa Close Cheat nya !
6. Happy Cheating .

NB :
Cara Pakai seperti biasa hotkey sudah ada di trainer yang ga tau leacher!
Buka Trainer langsung dari winrar karena jika di ekstrak akan DC!
Selamat mencoba Cheat Lost Saga 13 Februari 2012 - Cheat LS Skill No Delay

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Full After Maintenace 2012 (Fullhack 1 hit,piso pabrik santet,amo,brust,dkk +Full Sped+Full pangkat |GM,bintang 4,5 Bom,dll+Full Replace)

Keys Di tekan sampai berbunyi Beep/Dung/Ding = Cheat ON
kalau belum bunyi tekan trus,,tergantung PC anda,,
di saya cumacukup 1-2x tekan ja dah bunyi,, ok haapy cheting(No Berlebihan)
Downloads Cheat VIA MEDIAFIRE :
Downloads passsword : 
Yang Butuh Scan Virusnya bisa liat Disini : 

Author AndrieDK/Me
Features PB 14

-Tekan Delete saat mau pertama kali lo di lobby  sampe bunyi beep , untuk seterusnya gak usahh
[-]Anti program ILEGAL , anti Vote 85%  , Anti baned : DELETE >> Tekan trus Saja sampai bunyi
[-]AMmo Globe        : INSERT

[-]ReplaceFull Hack : NUMPAD 1 On /Numpad 0  OFF (on kan dimana saja)
Special Speed Turbo
[-]Speed 1 || Mode Lambat || : f1
[-]Speed 2 || Mode Sedang || : f2
[-]Speed 3 || Mode Cepat  || : f3
[-]Speed 4 || Mode Super  || : f4
[-]Speed 5 || Mode POWER  || : f5 >>GASS POLL
[-]Normal Speed : F6

[-]auto hs : Caplock On/Shift Off
[-]Pas Bom Cepat : Auto ON
[-]Def BOM  Cepat  : Auto ON
[-]Full Pangkat<->120 hack drh DKK : f11 Teroris | f12 Police
[-]Invisible Super   : ALT kanan

[-]Piso Santet       : HOME 
[-]Brust Super Petir , 1hit,heli,tank dkk : MIDLE MOUSE
*Ket :
-Midle Mouse adalah bagian mouase yg terletak di antara klik kanan , dan klik kiri
scrollnya,,dah tau kan,,
klik/tekan tuh sampe bunyi beep


Tutorial :


[-]WIndows Xp tested 2 jam working
[-]Kalau windows 7 saya sarankan pakai fullhacknya ja,,
 - kalau mau di coba ke dua2 nya yah silahkan...
jamu"  cheat
[-]usahakan ada vcredit,,
[-]usahakan komputer anda sudah terinstal net fromwork 4.0
SS agar pakai brust gak lag!!
[-]apabila masa aktif habis , mungkin di salah satu anti virus mendeteksinya sebagai virus
itu santai saja , hanya false alarm dari protect cheatnya  , agar terhindar dari tangan - tangan jail,,,
1.biasanya bnyak cheat" saya di share di forum lain di campurkan dengan keyloger,,
2.Jadi kalau ingin downloads cheat saya,langsung dari web Ini ,sudah di uji coba sebelum kami share!
3.Biasanya yg begitu adalah orang yang syirik kepada kami , dan ingin merusak nama baik website pekalongan community
4.Thanks Atas perhatiannya!